Smart Contract Auditing

Smart Contract audit

smart contract audit service is to provide blockchain companies the confidence needed to conduct an ICO or token sale. We have developed a number of analysis and review techniques to effectively minimize the risk of logic errors or vulnerabilities. Smart contract auditing is typically paired with our ICO Security Audit, which validates the maturity your entire organization giving investors confidence. A review is typically carried out first as a readiness audit early in development and then the official audit just before the ICO begins.

Smart Contract audit

Design Patterns

Analysis of smart contract design patterns is the first step in our review. We validate that the smart contract is structured in a way that will not result in future problems.

Static AnalysisA series of automated tools are used to test the security of smart contracts. Data flow and control flow are analyzed to identify smart contract vulnerabilities.

Manual Analysis

We perform a hands on review of smart contracts to identify common vulnerabilities. This include race conditions, transaction-ordering dependence, timestamp dependence, and DoS attacks.

Network Behavior

An analysis is performed modeling how the smart contract will operate once in production. How will it interact, how much gas will be used, are there any optimizations?

Flaw Remediation

We offer a remediation period in which flaws can be remediated and we perform verification to validate that the issues have been resolved. Remediated issues are noted in the report.

Detailed Report

A digitally signed detailed report is published by Practical Assurance. This report may be shared with potential token buyers, investors, or customers.

Our experienced Ethereum developers are able to provide a deep analysis of every aspect of a smart contract.

Our relationship doesn’t end after we deliver your initial audit results. We work closely with you and perform remediation audits for any code updates. We’re part of your team; you can count on us to be there for you.

Smart Contract audit